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An Accessibility Tsunami is Coming – An Update to the Domino’s Pizza vs. Robles Case

Web Accessibility Law, Section 508 sign

There is an interesting update to a story that we shared earlier this year about the Domino’s Pizza Vs. Robles case.     The lawsuit was about whether the pizza chain was required to make their website and mobile app accessible for blind people using assistive technology, but On October 7, the Supreme Court made it clear that blind people could sue retailers if their websites are not accessible.

What this means is when the Supreme Court let stand the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, it sent a message that the Americans with Disabilities Act protects access not just to restaurants and stores but also to the websites and apps of those businesses.

The Supreme Court made this decision, despite opposition from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and business groups that claimed they represented 500,000 restaurants and 300,000 businesses, who were concerned about the wave of lawsuits that could potentially occur.

This update was originally delivered from an article that was published on the Los Angeles Times website.