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The Roots of #AblrAllies

Ablr Allies

By John Samuel, Co-Founder and CEO of Ablr

Image of computer screen with people on a Zoom call with #AblrAllies written above

As a startup that’s trying to disrupt the way people think, we need partners and allies who are there to support and encourage us during the ups and downs of launching a new business. For us, District C has been that. 

The District C team believes if we want to teach young people how to work in teams, to solve complex problems, we need to give them more opportunities to do just that. LCI Tech, now Ablr, has had the opportunity to be a business partner to District C students three times, providing real world business challenges that we’re facing. As a new business, we’re never short of these types of problems.

As we launch our new Ablr business, we truly believe that partnerships are going to be a critical component to our long term growth, and we’re seeking strategies to build out a referral partner program. 

When we worked with District C previously, we collaborated with students from the same educational institution, both the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina School of Science and Math. The “Squads” of students came from the same location. However, this time District C was partnering with Boost by Kaplan, and the “Squads” were made up of students from around the country.

Boost is a one-of-a-kind career development program developed by Kaplan for high school graduates with a pioneering outlook on the future. The 10-week course reimagines career planning by focusing on personalized exploration, marketable skills, and learning-by-doing. 

Like our previous experiences collaborating with District C, the Boost students brought it!  

Two different Squads presented to the Ablr team, taking different approaches. Squad 1 identified potential companies that would benefit from partnering with Ablr and the services we offer. While Squad 2 approached the problem with a strategy to leverage Instagram to identify potential partners and raise awareness for our services. 

Both strategies addressed the problem that we have and give us tangible building blocks to help us build our partnership program. However, one of the most important things that came out of our work with the Squads was the genesis of the phrase, Ablr Allies! This is much more than just the name of our partnership program, but rather the cornerstone of our disability inclusion movement! We know we can’t do this alone, and we are so thankful to have District C and Boost by Kaplan as some of our first #AblrAllies!

Contact us to learn how you can join the growing number of #AblrAllies today!