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Ablr : DEI Company of the Year

Ablr: DEI Company of the Year

Written by Sarah Clark

Last November, the Ablr team was awarded DEI Company of the Year, courtesy of NC Tech. To say we were over the moon is an understatement! We have been hard at work trying to bring Disability Inclusion to the forefront, but we definitely did not get here alone. Here are some highlights over the last year that helped us to get to where we are now.

Digital Accessibility

In the past year alone, Ablr has more than doubled it’s list of phenomenal clients. We have had the opportunity to collaborate with some amazing organizations and brands who are putting accessibility and inclusion first by designing and building with accessibility principles in mind. Our reach is nationwide, and growing, which means that organizations across the United States are prioritizing Accessibility not just on their websites, but within the organizations themselves!

Ablr Works

Since the launch of the Ablr Works program in 2022, we have welcomed 18 candidates with visual impairments into our Ablr Accessibility Analyst Course! The purpose of this course is to train candidates with visual impairments to become Digital Accessibility Analysts and provide them with career support so that they can find employment in the tech field. Too often are people with visual impairments unemployed or underemployed. Our mission is to remove the barrier to employment and provide businesses with diverse talent.

Events, Events, Events

If you have been following Ablr, then you probably know that it has been a busy summer for us – and we are just getting started! In May we hosted the first annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day: Raleigh at the Pendo Headquarters. IN July, we will be hosting a celebration in honor of the American’s with Disabilities Act in conjunction with the Raleigh Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities. Then in October, get ready for Drip My Cane 4.0 and other celebrations for National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

We have a lot in store here at Ablr, and we hope you all continue to follow our journey!